Michelangelo Amoruso Manzari6 Essential Apps for your Mac in 2022Have you just bought your first Mac? Are you a power user in search of new apps to boost your productivity? Well, you just found the perf…May 16, 20225May 16, 20225
Yohann CiurlikMy Mac OS essential tools list at workI just switch to a M1 Macbook Pro at work and it rocks a lot. Here is my tools list for being more efficient using Mac OS. I am using them…May 12, 202213May 12, 202213
Harshal BhatiaThe best free tools to setup your macGive me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” ― Abraham LincolnMay 2, 20223May 2, 20223
Alfredo HinojosaMy top 10 Mac Apps used as a Software Engineer in 2022I been thinking about doing this post for a while, this list contains the top 10 apps I use on a daily basis as a Software Engineer; the…Feb 28, 202212Feb 28, 202212